
Salvatore Raucci - Charting the landscape of non-supersymmetric

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Brane Solutions in Strings with Broken Supersymmetry and Dilaton Tadpoles

Seminaire General IPhT - Irene VALENZUELA (2023) : Inflation and Swampland

PDF) Non-supersymmetric AdS from string theory

OBA Selected Books August 2011 Hyperlink Ed (A E)

Salvatore Raucci - A first-order formalism for non-supersymmetric strings

Deconstructing the String Landscape (a.k.a. landscapia) (29 novembre 2023 - 1 décembre 2023) · IN2P3 Events Directory (Indico)

Rottura della Supersimmetria con campi, stringhe e brane - 26 maggio 2023

PDF) Dynamical Cobordism Conjecture: solutions for end-of-the-world branes

Outer-bubble regime of the T 3 BON with deformation parameter 24π 2 V T

Deconstructing the String Landscape (a.k.a. landscapia) (29 novembre 2023 - 1 décembre 2023) · IN2P3 Events Directory (Indico)

Brane supersymmetry breaking induces a shift by one level of Bose